

April 22 to June 10 2023

Miriam Vlaming, born in 1971, one of the important representatives of the New Leipzig School, studied at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts with Arno Rink and graduated as Rink’s master student. Since the beginning of her work, Miriam Vlaming has been concerned with the symbiosis of man and nature. Characteristic of her works is the fusion of the canvas protagonists with the floral ornamentation surrounding them. The artist raises the question of human identity and becoming human to the central theme of her work. Miriam Vlaming lives and works in Berlin.

The expressive, patinated bronze sculptures by Helge Leiberg complete the exhibition. Helge Leiberg works not only as a sculptor, but also as a painter: he captures his running, jumping and leaping figures in quick abrupt brushstrokes on canvas and pursues the figure with all means of painting and drawing. He implies in his works that man expresses his subconscious in his movements. The artist also lives and works in Berlin